The Cosmic Feminine

Guest Teacher: Cathy Coyle

Cathy will host a beautiful 3-hour live session that will open the gateway into a 21-day self-led journey with the medicine of rose. These teachings will introduce you to ancient folk practices for working with the Rosacea family in her many forms, including blackberry bramble, wild dog rose, Hawthorn and the traditional rose. 
Inspired by the Beauty Way, you'll learn how to connect with the spirit of the plant and develop a relationship with her. Practical approaches to support you in weaving the rose into self-care practices will be shared in this offering. We'll cover nervous system support; Ayurvedic body oiling with rose; eye cleansing and floral bathing, with teachings on the art and intention of altar building. These elements are here to support your deepening relationship with this Venusian medicine and to integrate the rose as an ally in your facilitation practices.
What’s covered:
· Folk wisdom of the rose, bramble & thorn, teachings from Ireland and Europe
· Medicinal benefits of Rose
· Venus Body Breath practice 
· The Beauty Way - connecting with the spirit of a plant
· Nervous System support - Rose Body oiling (Ayurvedic approach)
· Hormonal balancing and working with Rose teas
· Working with the element of Water
· Altar Building and simple ritual living

Rose Medicine

About Cathy

My facilitation challenges the boundaries of personal growth, supporting the evolution of mind, body & spirit. Combining my expertise in Coaching Psychology (MA) with Leadership studies. Alongside mindfulness, breath work, yoga and shamanic pathways, my work offers a multi-faceted pathway towards accessing your highest potentials.

Currently I am undertaking a PhD in Integral & Transpersonal Psychology, with the California Integral Institute. My practice is a liminal and transpersonal space built upon intuition, curiosity, authenticity, non-duality and embodied awareness. Together we harness optimal and transcendent states on the road towards truly transformational living. At the heart of my practice is the honouring of the wise woman traditions of Ireland and Europe. 

A core mission of my work is the exploration of Western European ways of crafting with plant allies, while harnessing the energies of the divine feminine. Here witchcraft is an essential element in understanding the deeper layers of Europe's shamanic lineages.

The role of the feminine as an intermediary between the divine and the natural world is a central force that is honoured within many ancient ritualistic traditions. This is an art that is returning to the landscape as we seek out ways of healing our relationship with the earth. Witch, Volva, Seiðr, Draoi, Oracle, Wu, Wise Woman, the many faces of the feminine.

Cathy's website

the cosmic feminine