When the goddess was uprooted from body, blood and dirt and fixed in the sky as a father god, women were left with a groundless spirituality. This groundless, solar-fixated spirituality went against the embodied spiritual instincts of woman.
Ask women who’ve birthed on their own terms: they’ve tasted the biological-spiritual reality of existence. Every month women die and are reborn through our menstrual cycles. Our spirituality is already intact: earth-based, simple, feral.
Women are the wisdom keepers of a spiritual practice requiring no guru, no disavowal of the earth’s potency or rejection of our body’s capacity for cosmic pleasure.
Our spiritual practice is innate. Our way-back ancestors worshipped a primary feminine deity. Restoring the feminine in our spiritual practice is as organic as observing the moon’s pull on the womb. This wisdom has been buried and obfuscated with layer-upon-layer of conditioning and patriarchal-religious shaming, but it is there.
The Cosmic Feminine® is the result of my ten year journey unearthing an earth and body-based feminine spiritual path. It's an offering of love: love for women, love for the land and love for the goddess. Woven into this training are my heartfelt prayers that living in reverence of the feminine will bring us back to wholeness. By equipping women with tangible wisdom and practices to support them into right relationship with the land and their bodies we come closer to co-creating a world with more embodied humans resting in the truth of themselves. Everything taught in this training I have lived and breathed for more than a decade. I've found that living in this way keeps us healthy, vibrant and in the rhythm of sanity. It keeps us close to the earthy kind of love we need the most at this time on our beautiful planet. The Cosmic Feminine is part training, part prayer. I welcome with open arms those of you who feel the call to come and be in circle with me and spiral through these teachings and this path together.
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At its heart The Cosmic Feminine® is a prayer to the land and the body as our wisest teachers. When we stay close to both, our aim is true. Whilst there is a lot of information in this training – and there needs to be in order to provide students with everything they need and more – it's also based on a rather simple idea: the feminine spiritual path is intimately tied to the real world of blood, earth and bone and we humans have strayed too far from it. For sane, deeply-well lives, it's time for us to come home.
By the end of this training, students of The Cosmic Feminine will be:
Understand the centuries of hidden female history, the burying of the goddess, repression of the feminine principle and be able to thread this wisdom throughout their work.
Be embodied in their knowledge of practices and teachings which facilitate profound shifts and deep healing: womb steaming, menstrual renewal, pelvic work - to name a few.
Rooted in the wisdom of earth, soma, womb and cosmos and able to guide other women through the 4 layers of awareness to a place of wholeness, embodiment & vitality.
Some of my favourite subjects covered in The Cosmic Feminine include:
The world needs more women placing pleasure, magick and the body back on the altar and revealing the sacred woven within everything.
appLy NOW
The key parts of our training are our 2-hour live calls on Wednesdays. This is where the week of the work will be presented in detail through fascinating workshops and original research. These calls are deep, nourishing spaces for us to gather and connect each week. As well as going over each week's topics, each student has time to speak, share her story and ask questions. Journalling prompts are woven into these calls to keep them dynamic. We take time in each call to practise some of the week's work in real time. Every call is recorded and uploaded into TCF Portal afterwards.
There are more than 60 hours of pre-recorded audio and video practices and workshops which support the work we do in our weekly live calls. As well as signature Moon Body workshops like Witch, Howl and Unearthing the Goddess, there are videos on creating tinctures, oils and hydrolats; the symptothermal method, cyclical movement, womb steaming and more. These materials guide TCF students into a devotional practice with the work, inviting them to return to them over and over again until what needs to land in the body has landed. This constitutes a generous library of original work.
One of the most powerful aspects of this training is the way we come together as women to throw our stories and experiences into the cauldron, creating a living tapestry of womanhood. We use our sharing space on Telegram to connect in between calls, share personal wins, insights and questions and stay accountable to the deep work that we're doing. The Coven is a space of sisterhood, inspiration and witnessing. Here lifelong connections are made, support is given, stories are heard and breakthroughs are celebrated.
Included in each module of TCF is one business training given by Miriam. These are specifically intended to bridge the deep work we are doing with the more practical aspects of running a business. The 4 trainings are: Soul-led Business, Feminine Leadership, The Erotic Channel & Insta Oracle. They are for women who are not doing business as usual. These trainings are 90-minutes each and impart practical, creative knowledge to help you channel everything you learn in this training out into the world with alignment.
The Cosmic Feminine®
Facilitator Training
At the Earth level of the training, you are learning how to become an earth guide. Our female physiology gives us a special connection to the earth and since the beginning of time women have occupied a sacred role as earth's stewards. Learn how to bring your women into deeper relationship with the earth through ritual, herbal lore, working with plant kin and learn how to co-regulate with the earth body. In the Earth Module we work with the Witch and Wild Woman Archetypes. We look at the history of European Witchcraft and female shamanism.
At the Soma level of the training, you are learning how to support women into a deep and loving relationship with their body. In a world which monetises women's disembodiment, this is needed and radical healing work. You'll learn how to guide women into a devoted relationship with their body, how to regulate their nervous system, how to create a ritual self-care practice and guide women through ceremonial bodywork.
At the Womb level of the training, you are learning how to support women in re-orienting to their sacred centre: the womb. You'll be taught ways to support women into optimal womb health, easeful cycles and balanced hormones. You'll learn how to share sacred sexuality practices for women at all stages of their journey. You'll become proficient in guiding women to access their truest erotic expression.
At the Cosmos level of the training, you are learning how to guide women along an earth and body-based spiritual path. You'll learn about the Goddess tradition which once was the default spiritual path in all corners of the earth and how we can revive it for the modern woman. Understand the role of the moon in the goddess tradition and the ways in which we can live in greater alignment with the planets.
One of the causes of human dis-ease is our severing from the Earth. The Earth is our mother. The Earth element lives in our body at our root as the seat of intuition, sexuality and the home of our ancestors. When women are disconnected from the earth, they become disconnected from the mysterious and unconscious power of the root. At the Earth level of the training you learn how to support women to repair their connection to the earth. The effects of this are profoundly beneficial for all levels of our being and for the earth herself. The process of deliberate severing from the earth has much to do with the inherited trauma of disembodiment and the persecution of the wise women known as witches. The wisdom you learn at the Earth level will allow you to guide women into relationship with herbs, poisonous plants, psychedelics and to create earth-based ritual in your offerings. These teachings enact deep embodied healing for the women who receive them.
Earth Module: Week One
Co-regulating with the Earth Practice
Reclaiming Earth through the Pelvis
Circadian Health + Light Exposure
Women, Land & the Body: Workshop
Unearthing the Goddess Workshop
Becoming an Earth Guide
Leading Earth-based Ritual
Circadian Health + Light Exposure
The Science of Grounding
Right Relationship with the Earth
Herbal Allies for Women
The Ancestral Practice of Saining
Herbal Hormonal Infusions
Rose Lore: Working with Rose Workshop
Making a Witch's Flying Ointment
The Poison Path
Women & Psychedelics: Amanita & Psyilocybin
Queen Anne's Lace as Herbal Plan-B
The Witch & Wild Woman Archetypes
Howl: PMS & the Dark Feminine
Re-wilding Woman: Practices
The 5 Witch Wounds
Sitting Out: Earth Shamanism
Yoga Nidra for inner-Spring
Somatic Ecology
Ancient Potion: The Eleusinian Mysteries
Feminine Spirituality is concerned with the realm of the body. Unlike the stricter, ascetic body-denying ways of transcendent spirituality, here we receive the body as an expression of the goddess. There have been centuries-long attempts to divorce women from fully-inhabiting and loving their bodies. At the Soma level of the training you learn how to guide women into a loving, reverent, relationship with their body, specifically the Feminine Energy Matrix (the heart-womb continuum), the nervous system and the hormonal system. Women's spiritual practice occurs through the body as the home of the goddess. You'll learn how to guide women into eating for metabolic and hormonal health. You'll be able to design movement sequences adapted to the different needs of women throughout their menstrual cycle. You'll learn tools to support women into regulating their nervous system. Becoming a way-shower for women to reclaim the power and magick of the body is a healing gift to the world.
SomA Module: Week Four
What is Somatics?
The Feminine Energy Matrix
Sacred Self Care Practices: Breast, Belly, Body Oiling & Self Massage.
Yin Cultivation.
Orienting & Sensate Focusing.
The Mother / Queen Archetype.
Facial Gua Sha & Reflexology.
Understanding 'The Drama Triangle'
The Mother / Queen in Facilitation
Living by the Infradian Rhythm
Cyclical Attunement
The Female Nervous System
The Jaw-Pelvis Axis
Wild Sound : Voice Practice
Feminine Leadership Business Training
Menstrual Attunement
Menstrual Cycle Physiology
Balanced Hormones & Optimal Menses
Cyclical Movement & Nutrition
Cyclical Nutrition Lecture: Gut Health, Digestion & Metabolic Health
Cyclical Woman Recipe Book
Facilitation: Holding Space for the Soma
Part of the process of our disembodiment has been to tell women that they are small men with wombs. Having a womb means a woman's body exists on the Infradian Rhythm _ the body's second clock, which affects six key systems: the microbiome, metabolism, brain function, immune system, reproduction and the stress-response system. Your womb is the centre of your being as a woman. At the womb level you will learn how to guide women to reorient to their womb, becoming womb-led. You'll become a cyclical wisdom guide, showing women how to practise menstrual renewal. You'll learn ways to support women with menstrual challenges into easeful, PMS-free cycles. You'll learn how to guide women to steam their womb; performing blood diagnosis and creating powerful herbal blends. You'll guide women to create a deep relationship to their sexuality through internal pussy and pleasure work, understanding how internal orgasm brings profound healing.
Womb Module: Week Seven
Re-orienting to the Womb
The Womb as the Nervous System's Root
Womb Wisdom on the Priestess Path
The Priestess Archetype
The Blood Mysteries
Decolonising the Pelvis
The Moon Lodge
Understanding the Pelvic Bowl
Menstrual Renewal: Diet & Lifestyle
Supporting the Ideal Menstrual Bleed
Diagnosing Menstrual Blood
Identifying Menstrual Challenges: PCOS, PMS, PMDD, Endo, Dysmennorrhea etc
Healing Menstrual Challenges: 3-Part Workshop
Womb Steaming Practitioner Training
Supporting Women with Sexual Trauma
The Pleasure Pulse Practice
Igniting Eros: Practices
The 3 Sacred Waters
Sacred Sexual Practices: De-armouring, Reflexology, The Nourished Root
Teaching Internal Pelvic Work
The Feminine is a primordial field of cosmic wisdom. At the Cosmos level of the training you learn how to guide women into relationship with the unseen and subtle realms. Women have a special relationship with the mystery and magick of the void space. Another way we can understand the void is as the Dark Goddess. Although the Dark Goddess has been demonised as evil since the onset of patriarchy, on the contrary, she is the infinite black of the cosmos; the one who gives birth to all things. One of the ways you'll learn to support women into relationship with the Cosmic Feminine is through Yoga Nidra or conscious sleep. You'll be guided through histories of the dark goddess/dark feminine and goddess spirituality so that your offerings have a foundation of ancient wisdom beneath them. You'll learn how to work with the planets, the lunar phases and the power of the moon. Patriarchal monotheistic religion has spread through the world like a virus denigrating the spiritual gifts of woman. Restoring the Cosmic Feminine to her rightful place is an act of rebellion and reclamation.
cosmos module: week ten
Sexuality as Spirituality
DMT & Cervical Orgasm
Healing through Internal Orgasm
Guiding Sacred Sexuality Work
The Cervix as Dark Goddess
The Cosmic Feminine
The Light & Dark Feminine
Integrating the Dark Feminine
The Oracle Archetype
Yoga Nidra & Women's Health
Yoga Nidra's Ancient Roots
Feminine Paths of Yoga Nidra
Studying & Creating Yoga Nidra
Creating Audio Recordings
The Sister Wound in Women's Spaces
The Moon as first Goddess
The Moon & Menstruation
Lunaception: Syncing with the Moon
Days of the Weeks & the Planets
The Wheel of the Year: Solstices, Equinoxes and Quarter Days.
Insta Oracle: Growing Your Biz with Magick
Learn to create a strong foundation for your soul-led business. Unlike business which is driven only by profits, you'll need to create a fertile soil of ethics and values to support your venture for years to come. Miriam tells you all you need to know to begin building an abundant, ethical and sustainable soul-led biz.
Learn how to bring the principles of Feminine Leadership into your business. Feminine Leadership is concerned with the collective over the individual ands leads with love not with domination. You'll discover how the principles of Feminine Leadership can support your business to flourish and stand apart from the crowd.
As an embodied, deeply creative woman you are connected to your eros. The Erotic Channel is a training which shows you how to deepen your creativity by deepening your relationship with your body. Learn how to make your work sing with originality by deepening your relationship with your body and erotic channel.
Instagram is my favourite way for women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. I offer all my tricks for using Instagram to create magickal growth. It's fun, informative and full of wisdom which can be immediately applied. I'll give you idea about the kinds of posts you can create to share your brilliance with the online world.
Through the Cosmic Feminine training I have found the courage to listen to my inner voice and intuition again. Seeing, experiencing and feeling what a feminine-led business can look like has inspired, deeply touched and healed me. A business led from the heart, deeply anchored in our body, our ancestors, our roots - our womb.
Diving deeper into the material through these weekly calls, the exchange with other women and the sharing space has fulfilled and inspired me. I was able to learn a lot of new things, deepen my existing knowledge and gain new perspectives on womanhood.
In my own practice as a TCM therapist, I was able to incorporate many new practices, I grew the courage to break new ground, found a company and do exactly what I deeply believe in. Through TCF I was able to reconnect with mother earth, my body and my inner voice. Since then, my practice has flourished and I am able to support over 100 women every month.
This course supports you in embodying what you’re learning and equipping you to share these invaluable insights with the world. You learn to guide women back to their roots, to their bodies, helping them to reclaim and reconnect with the rhythms of nature and to their inner selves.
The training is enriched with teachings on herbs for women, breast and body massage, cyclical movement, and even the healing art of womb steaming. It addresses topics regarding The Witch Wound and introduces empowering practices like feminine biohacking (sleep, nutrition, balancing hormones) and yoga nidra. As a student, I felt supported in every step, equipped with practices and teachings that are crucial in facilitating this sacred reclamation and reconnection.
Miriam’s training isn’t just a course; it’s a movement, a call to all women to embrace their power and inner feminine wisdom. My heartfelt recommendation goes to anyone drawn to the path of feminine wisdom and healing. TCF training course is a haven for transformation and empowerment, a place where you can truly learn to embrace and impart the sacred feminine.
Laynita L. Cichy-Berkebile
“Miriam is a powerhouse of earthy, rich and deeply embodied feminine wisdom. Her nourishing teachings, particularly those relating to our innate cyclical magick as women and the Dark Goddess, have stirred an even deeper awakening within my bones. What a honour to receive such guidance and ancient long-forgotten knowledge during a time where the call to remember is ringing loud and clear.”
Melissa Chiara,
Root and Weave
During my Cosmic Feminine Journey, I was initiated into a new way of living attuned to my womb and my truth. I connected with the vibrancy of the living earth, opening my heart and anchoring my roots.
Through nourishing practices, I left the realm of doing and entered the realm of being and love in my female body. I healed my womb and experienced my period no longer as painful, but as a channel of transmission.
This training, interwoven with Miriam's love and devotion to the Feminine is an embodied spiritual transmission of ancient feminine wisdom, allowing me to guide women for healing and reconnection to their womb.
I wish I would have been introduced to these Feminine practices earlier and that each woman can receive the gems of this training for the reclamation of their body and reconnection to the Feminine.
Bindu Pothalil,
The Sanctified Body
I chose to take part in the Cosmic Feminine Training with Miriam last year as I had experienced the power of this work firsthand after working with Miriam previously.
The training was so much more than a training for me, it allowed me to connect deeper to myself through the teachings that were being transmitted through the training. It not only allowed me to gain new knowledge and skills to bring into my own business and to share with the women I work with but it has also allowed me to develop a deeper connection with myself through the practices taught in the Cosmic Feminine.
Thank you Miriam for sharing this invaluable + vital wisdom with the world of women.
Jasmin CHew
This has been a deeply nourishing training for me on many levels. The deep respect and reverence for Mama Earth that Miriam embodies and shares is contagious in the most beautiful way. The way she weaves Earth, Soma, Womb and Cosmos together is magic in itself !
Miriam is a wise woman who holds a grounded, supportive and soul-nourishing space. She delivers herself with integrity and no nonsense – my type of woman and teacher. I feel so blessed to have been a part of this training and feel the ripples from it daily.
Going forward I’m excited to spend 2024 further embodying the practices and wisdom that Miriam shared, and along this journey I will share with other women in my community. I feel very grateful to be able to share such potent and cycle changing wisdom with women.
I wholeheatedly recommend this training you will be held by the most gorgeous and straight talking souls I’ve had the pleasure of being taught by.
Kez Seery
The Cosmic Feminine arrived in my life with divine timing, answering a call for me to expand the ways and depth in which I could work with women.
Miriam holds a beautifully grounded & easeful space in which I felt seen and safe to fully express all of myself. The container that Miriam initiated and then grew as a co-creation between those of us within it was one of integrity, respect and wisdom, a space of truth and sacred sisterhood which was supportive, insightful and nourishing. Deepening into womb consciousness has enhanced and improved my relationship to my body, the earth and the cosmos with a deeper reverence, wonder and openness to what exists within and around me.
The practices and rituals shared by Miriam are a transmission of remembrance and wonder. The shifts within and around me are tangible; my inner-wild woman is pulsating with a new lease of life and I am excited about where this will take me as the energetics of the Cosmic Feminine settle into my cells.
Miriam is a seer, activator and guide in the most loving way and being part of The Cosmic Feminine has been a gift for which I am hugely grateful.
Emma Jones
You're ready to commit to a deep, intensive, life-changing training.
You see the world through both a practical AND a spiritual lens.
You are a rebel with a big heart and a deep love for women and the feminine.
You're ready for the next step in your embodiment, business and life.
Your plate is already full and you don't have space to go all in (5 hours per week).
You are more interested in science than intuition.
You are caught up in the current cultural trends and ideologies.
You aren't ready to spread your wings just yet...
You love to take responsibility for your life and have worked on your sister wounds.
You aren't able to self-hold and have not worked through your sister wounds.
A combination of powerful live calls, group sharing space and pre-recorded lessons to which you get LIFETIME access.
A blend of inspiring and informative calls on the week's subject, plus pre-recorded lessons and business trainings with a dedicated online sharing space to ask questions, share insights and be connected with the other women.
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If you feel called to join The Cosmic Feminine, please fill out an application form so that we can ensure we're a good match. The energy of the container is held with great sensitivity.
Please give us 4 week days after receiving your application to respond to you. Thank you for your patience!
Once you've been offered a place, we'll send you a link to the training's LEGAL agreements. Once you've read through, you save your space by making a payment.
We begin The Cosmic Feminine on September 18th with our first call of the Earth Module! All calls are recorded in case you're unable to join Miriam live.
The application process is easy.
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A 4-hour journey through history, circle and somatics centred on the Witch archetype as a symbol of dark feminine power for women to reclaim.
This 3-hour workshop traces the history of the goddess's un-ceremonial burial and offers a path forward for those reclaiming her wisdom.
Plus a brand new one....
Queen of the Hedge
Folklore, History & Applications of
Daucus Corota in Women's Fertility
Queen of the Hedge is the newest self-study online course from Moon Body. It tells you everything you need to know about the folklore, history and application of Daucus Carota in women's fertility. There is a fascinating history of QAL as an extremely ancient and effective plant ally for women. In this sense, she is an ancestor plant and has walked with women all over the world for millennia.
In Queen of the Hedge, I'll teach you about how to identify QAL (ensuring you don't confuse it with its poisonous friend Hemlock) and we'll look at recipes for its use as a method to prevent unwanted pregnancy post-coitus.
Included in this course is a history of plants used to prevent conception as well as the folklore of the hedge as a the dwelling place for the witch and her liminal magick.
This course is free for women of The Cosmic Feminine. If you'd like to buy it to get a feel for Miriam's work and later on join TCF, the fee will be refunded.
learn more
Our inspiring guest teachers who are leaders in their fields share their expertise with you.
Creating your own herbal blends, ointments, tinctures and infusions for women.
Learning how to guide women to do powerful internal pelvic work.
Receiving 4 mini trainings on creating an ethical, aligned business.
Learning how to teach somatic practices which heal the nervous system.
Learning how to use womb steaming to support healthy menstrual cycles.
Committing to embodiment for 3 months and feeling the power of the practices.
Being part of a community of like-hearted women doing deep work together!
There is so much value in this training. And lifetime access means you can move through it as many times as you need until it's been embodied.
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Rose Lore
Women have been asking me to create a training for years and I've been waiting... listening... Last year I did and have no held two beautiful cohorts of this work. At the heart of The Cosmic Feminine® Facilitator Training is my knowing that the practices and wisdom we're sharing will enact profound change in the lives of those who encounter them. I know in my heart that my training is of high value, grounded, full of depth and in integrity. Through this work we are co-creating a new generation of women who are abundant, rooted & vital. In inviting you into this training, you are being asked to enter a relationship with me: one based on mutual respect and a love for the sacred; one which I hope will stretch way beyond the 3 months of this training and out into the future. Women, welcome warmly to The Cosmic Feminine®! If you feel the call, come on in!
This option doesn't include mentoring sessions with Miriam.
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Add 2 x 90-minute 1-1
mentoring sessions with Miriam
You can apply to join at the early bird price and/or with a scholarship until August 7th.
To be eligible for a scholarship, you need to have a reason why you might find it challenging to pay the training at full price.
This is a week-long, in-person, retreat-style training for women who've completed TCF. You can have a look at this year's retreat here.
In The Cosmic Feminine we don't work with menopause due to the enormous amount of information contained. In TCF 2 we will.
Yes, you will be asked to complete end of module quizzes and assignments to ensure you are able to share the material you've learned competently.
You have lifetime access to TCF portal. We will notify you if we decide to change the platform your Cosmic Feminine portal is located on.