Howl is a 3-hour women's workshop and somatic group journey, exploring the ways in which womb-related issues are often an expression of the unintegrated dark feminine within woman. Together we'll name the cultural waters women have been drinking through the centuries, teaching them to exile vital and powerful parts of themselves, leading to a split in both psyche and soma, manifesting as a collection of symptoms denoting womb-related imbalances.
October 13 | 2-5pm BST
Sister, is your womb (or are your clients' wombs) speaking through symptoms like PMS, PMDD, menstrual pain, irregular cycles, infertility or heavy and long bleeds? If so, this workshop is for you.
We can do everything right on the physical level – from liver detox, to nervous system work, to herbal medicine –but our symptoms will persist until we address the psychosomatic, emotional and ancestral levels?
Through my work with 100s of women I've found that exiling the raw, wild, chthonic soul of the feminine psyche (the dark feminine) is what is keeping you and your clients stuck in repeatetive cycles of symptoms.
These three keys will give you an idea about how the workshop will flow.
These archetypes are distinct, yet they contain overlapping qualities. All are socially unacceptable faces of the feminine. Each holds vital wisdom for women seeking to reclaim the exiled parts of themselves and restore health, wholeness and embodiment. The Luteal phase of our cycle is the ideal time to meet these archetypes, listen to their tales and welcome them home.
At the advent of patriarchy and monotheistic religion, women's roles in society changed. That raw, wild, chthonic, goddess-given darkness was no longer appropriate. At this time, the qualities we associate with the Light Feminine were seen as the only acceptable way to exist as women. This meant a shutting down of our primal instincts, our love of sex, our unbridled expression. This meant disconnection from the root, our creative-sexual centre, the place we bleed and birth from and enter rapturous states through pleasure.
Whether PMS, PMDD or dysmenorrhea, experience challenges with your womb and would like to find holistic ways to heal them.
You are intrigued by the dark feminine, the witch and the wild woman and are open to learning more about the ways that these archetypes exist within you.
Howl is built on the premise that our wellbeing goes beyond the physical layer and has deeper, psychic and ancestral roots.
Howl is a space for likeminded women to come together in ceremonial space, share our stories and be witnessed in our dark feminine reclamation.
The highly-effective ways we can treat the physical aspects of womb challenges. Such as:
- Internal Pelvic Work
- Supporting Liver Health
- Limiting Environmental Toxicity
- Nervous System Regulation + More
- Who She is + Her connection to the Wild Woman/ Mad Woman/ Witch Archetypes
- Myths + Stories of the Dark Feminine
- Why She has been distorted by the over-culture
- Ways we can separate dark feminine wisdom from distortion
- Somatic Practices for Dark Femme Integration
- Healing PMS with the Dark Feminine
- There will be time for sharing and Q&A at the end.
- Emotional / Ancestral roots of PMS
- PMS as wild feminine wisdom
I dreamed up this workshop for years and have been sharing it annually, now for the third year.
I've discovered over and over again in my healing work that an emotional-ancestral root is at the bottom of most of our physical symptoms. The modern world neglects the subtle in favour of the tangible and in doing so misses the way that the unhealed currents below the surface often run the show.
I've supported hundreds of women to heal their menstrual challenges for good by applying the wisdom I'll be sharing with you in this workshop.
PMS, PMDD, dysmenorrhea and other womb-related challenges are unnecessarily disrupting the lives of too many talented, creative women and it's no surprise to me that one of the ways we heal is by reclaiming parts of ourselves that the fairy tales warned us about and the over-culture taught us to exile.
Howl is fun, groundbreaking, wild, restful and deeply informative. I'd be delighted for any women who resonate with its message to sign up and join me for this workshop.
I look forward to sitting with you in circle, sister.
A deeper awareness of how unconscious beliefs affect the womb & cycles.
More confidence in owning the dark aspects of the feminine psyche.
The sense of being freer in expression: voice, body and movement.
More connection to the women in their community and their lineage.
Easeful bleeds, deeper embodiment, fewer cyclical symptoms.
Feeling more grounded and rested, sleeping better.
Altered self-image: a deeper love and trust in the feminine principle.
More literacy in navigating dark feminine archetypes.