Sacred Sexual Self-Care

buy now £111



Ready to make self-pleasure a practice?

You're a spiritual woman who eats well, takes care of herself and devotes to herself through self-care rituals. You know that your sexual essence is a deep and sacred part of who you are as a woman, but you're not sure how to go about bringing this part of yourself into the centre of your life where it belongs. 

 Sacred Sexual Self Care is a self-study online course which teaches women like you how to integrate a deep, ritualistic, sacred self-pleasure practice into your life. In Sacred Sexual Self Care, you'll learn how to begin inhabiting your feminine power centre – your womb-yoni; how to cultivate your sexual energy; techniques for therapeutic yoni massage, de-armouring and exploration of healing internal orgasm. This course starts gently, intending you to meet you where you're at and teaches sexuality practices more focused on inward, subtle cultivation, which in time, will radiate outwards. 

sacred sexual self-care


Sacred sexuality is rooted in the ancient eastern traditions of Taoism and Tantra. In both these spiritual philosophies, sexual energy was revered as sacred life force. Modern peoples have had their connection to their erotic innocence severed. Many allow their sexual energy to leak out through sexual interactions which don't honour its sacredness. Others leave their sexual energy uncultivated. When we make space in our lives to cultivate sexual energy, explore our capacity for healing orgasm and make our sexuality a part of our self-care, we open up our infinite human potential for deep power, abundance, health and joy. 

What is sacred sexuality?

Healing orgasms
bring quantum shifts

Your yoni is magickal. Not only is she a portal between heaven and earth, she can make deep healing medicine and sensual abundance a part of your daily reality. This course guides you through therapeutic yoni massage and de-armouring practices and supports you to explore the orgasmic potential of your G-spot and Cervix – parts of your body with profound orgasmic healing capabilities. As you open your body to more pleasure you build more safety in your body and invite more ease and flow into life.

course content

feminine wisdom

Sacred Sexual Self Care at its core understands why women may feel disconnected from their sexuality. Miriam has worked with hundreds of women over the last 7 years and listened to their stories in workshops, 1-1s and retreats from Europe to Asia. This course goes slow, encouraging you to take your time to unravel your sexual essence like a blooming rose. You'll find a loving, nourishing presence woven throughout all the content of this course, creating a warm coccoon for you to relax into. 


Sacred Content


Learn to come home to your womb space through practices designed to connect you back to your feminine power centre.


Breath work, Yoga Nidra and Breast Massage practices support you to get into your body and open up the pathways to profound pleasure. 

Yoni Healing

Guided audio meditations lead you through self massage and de-armouring practices designed to build loving connecting with your yoni. 

self pleasure

Receive insights on healing orgasms, yoni wands and jade eggs to get you started with exploring your own self pleasure practice. 

Sacred Sexuality

Some of my favourite parts of Sacred Sexual Self-Care include

This course is full of practices and wisdom which will support you into your next evolution as an embodied woman.

Womb Wisdom

Yoni Reflexology

The Oracle of Delphi

Orgasm for Healing

Yoni De-Armouring

Sexual Self-Care Rituals

Body Boundaries

Breathwork for Eros

Orgasmic Anatomy

Restoring Goddess Culture

Pleasure Practice

When a woman receives the call to descend deeper into her life, she is being called to descend deeper into her pussy.

Miriam Ropschitz / MOON BODY FOUNDER

This course is packed full of original Moon Body practices

The Sacred Sexual Self Care course is for women who want to reclaim their authentic, untamed sexuality and ignite the empowering frequency of pleasure in their lives.

Practices like the womb clearing meditation and pelvic bowl visualisation support you to reorient your consciousness back to the feminine power centres. 

Yoga Nidra for rest, breath work to open the energetic pathways and breast massage to stimulate sexual energy. These embodiment tools are lifelong allies on the journey.

Guided internal explorations of your yoni and sacred sexual wisdom transmissions support you to unlock the orgasmic magick of your pussy.




Sacred Sexual Self Care Moves Through 3 Modules

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The Womb Space

Your womb space is the key treasure in your feminine power centre. Establishing connection with your womb is essential before any true shifts in your sexuality can be felt. This module is all about supporting you to reconnect with the sacred space of creativity, intuition and magick within you. Through meditation and visualisation practices learn the anatomy of your pelvic bowl, how to energetically clear your womb space and how to fill it with loving energy. 


Pleasure Pathways

Sexual self care is a practice and practices require discipline. In Module 2 you'll learn some of my favourite embodiment practices which are the perfect complement to sexual self care work. They are breath work, breast massage and yoga nidra. In detailed guided video and audio practices, I'll bring you through these beautiful modalities and you'll understand how each one lends its own superpower to the art of sexual energy cultivation. 


Self-pleasure Priestess

Now we get to the self-pleasure part! In this module you'll be guided through the art of therapeutic yoni massage, de-armouring and yoni reflexology. First you'll learn how to offer loving touch to any numbness or pain in your yoni. Then watch the video on healing orgasms and learn about why your cervix and G-spot are such incredible parts of the female body. This module is designed to support you to begin making your self-pleasure practice a part of everyday life. 



Sacred Sexual Self-Care

for women desiring their
next level of  
sexual embodiment & expression

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 She is a living gem on earth, a wild and a wise women, holding space with so much love and grace. Walking the path of remembrance and reclamation of the feminine with her is a blessing.

Miriam’s guidance brought me to my knees in great reverence to the feminine, the magic, the mystery, the beauty of all that is.


You will learn so much more

I made this for women who...

Know that their sexuality is a core part of their essence as a woman. 

Want a regular sexual self-care practice to cultivate their sexual energy.

Are open to learning more about themselves at the deepest parts of their psyche. 

Want to weave more temple wisdom into their everyday lives. 

Want to bring their sexuality into the centre of their life.

Are desiring to submerge themselves in a healing, educational experience. 

Understand that their sexuality is sacred and a doorway into their power.

Feel how sexual exploration is a doorway into enhanced creativity and authentic expression.


Hi Sister. My name is Miriam Ropschitz and I've had the profound honour of sharing sacred feminine wisdom with women like you for the last 10 years. I've watched how sacred sexual self care transforms women from the inside out, bringing them into closer contact with their deepest dreams and wildest pleasure. It never ceases to amaze me how powerful a woman becomes when she aligns herself with her sexuality.

I'm excited to offer you this course as a way to begin claiming more of your authentic sexual expression. I'm wishing you a juicy and expansive journey into Sacred Sexual Self-Care. 

Your Guide for SSSC

Get lifetime access to sacred sexual self care today


Start your sacred sexual awakening today...


Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


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