Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


work with me









3-Month Women's Leadership Mothermind

Begins February 6th, 2024

Three payments of


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Wild women, deepen into
your soul work, body and magick with me this year.

Join me for a three month dive into soul-led business, feminine leadership and embodiment and start living the life that is yours to claim.


In Month One we work with

In Month Two
we work with

In MoNTH Three We work with magick





THere are three core areas we work with in Sister Wolf 

Sister Wolf is a programme for rebels 

Sister Wolf is for the women who don't pretend; the ones who don't swim in the shallows. Women who are wise to the ways of commercial spirituality and desire to live something real & true. It's for women who are new earth leaders; the ones who have addressed their sister wounds and are here to play a vital role in the resurgence of the wild feminine. Sister Wolf is a 3-month business mentoring container supporting women who are ready to get radically responsible about claiming the lives of magick, pleasure and power that the goddess wants for them. Sister Wolves, it's time to bow at the altar of the feminine and let yourself be held and supported as you move beyond patterns and conditioning, into a life that turns your eros all the way on, nourishes you abundantly and shares your soul work with the ones who need it the most.

You want to live & work from a space of crystal clear energy,  authenticity + feminine wisdom

And you're more into frequency than spreadsheets...

You don't just want
to make money... you
want to make beauty.

And you want to do it in a way that feels easeful, ethical and aligned. You want your work to be medicine for the world. You are ready to speak your truth, share your gifts and get clear on how best to offer your magick to those who seek it. I've built a sustainable, abundant business by doing just this. And I've done it whilst being unapologetically myself: a sensitive, sensual, embodied woman. I've gone through many initiations since founding Moon Body and it is my greatest pleasure to walk with women like you along this wild and sacred path. There is a sea change in the world right now. Women are learning to harness their creative and community-building gifts and channel them into abundant, soul-led businesses. Sister Wolf is not just a soul-led business course though; it's a how-to-live-your-life-on-your-own-terms-by-uncovering-who-you-really-are course. I can't wait to share with you everything I've learned on my journey of sacred entrepreneurship and to mentor you through the reclamation of your own feminine genius. It is my honour to be your guide through this work. 

Sister Wolf is for women with big vision

Female Nervous System

Devote the first 3 months of 2024 to deepening into your magick as a Feminine Leader with me.

Wise Woman Ways

Menstrual Attunement

The Erotic Channel

Organic Branding 

Creating Offerings

Body-based Business

Feminine Leadership

Project Launches

Soul-based Creativity

Sisterhood Healing

Ethical Business

Your time in Sister Wolf includes work on:



Develop feminine leadership skills.

Learn ways of leading which are supportive and empowering to your clients, moving from power-over dynamics to inner-power. Break up with outdated ideas of dominance as leadership and learn how to move from feminine leadership. 


Ignite your
creative eros.

Unleash the ideas you've not yet dared to explore, make creativity feel vital and exciting, learn to channel from your body, speak truth from your womb, root down into your truth, express from your soul. Ignite your eros like a flame.


Enrich your brand
with magick.

Organic Branding is a way of building a brand which feels aligned with who you are. It's not made from the newest Canva template, it's your business as art, as beauty. It's a way of encoding your work with your unique medicine. Let me show you how. 


Deepen into truth & feminine wisdom.

You're here to do more than make money. So how are we going to weave prayers into your business? If your business was a spell, what would that spell be? To answer these questions we need to root you down into your truth; into your discernment.


The main things you will learn are:

Sister Wolf

Is for creative witches who don't like spreadsheets.

The world needs more women placing pleasure, magick and the body back on the altar and revealing the sacred woven within everything.

Miriam Ropschitz / MOON BODY FOUNDER

Sister Wolf supports women leaders to:

1. Unearth your sacred medicine + channel it into your soul-led work.

2. Heal the Sister Wound + deepen into your ability to hold women.

3. Refine your style of feminine leadership in community with others.

4. Recode your body to ease + sensuality with feminine wisdom practices.

5. Deepen into your magickal + embodied practices with sisters.

6. Build a foundation of ethics, integrity beneath your soul-led work.

7. Support your nervous system to build resilience as you expand.

The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // The doors are open // 

Miriam supported me within aspects of my business as it continues to grow and stabilize and since the mentorship I have been able to create and share with the world some of my most heartfelt creations and offerings and they are being beautifully received.

I've come away with an even deeper level of embodiment within my
own life and own practice.

Jasmin chew, sister wolf, 2022

Sister Wolf IS for you if:

You want to develop a brand that is encoded with your unique medicine. 

You are ready to take your soul-led business to the next level.

You're a visionary, an artist, a wild woman who is here to find her own way forward. 

Ethics, integrity and wisdom are some of your North stars. 

You want cookie-cutter branding for your business.

You don't feel like it's time
for you to grow just yet.

You're not ready to be seen, to express yourself online and in your business.

You're more motivated by money than intention.  

Sister Wolf is NOT for you if:

What do you get when you join Sister Wolf?

And you have access to all calls and practices for the 3 months we are working together and 3 months after that to catch up or re-watch.

Glad you asked. Here is what you get.

Sister Wolf


Throughout our time together we connect every two weeks for a powerful live call, you receive two 1-1 mentoring sessions with me, assignments and suggested practices and we connect between calls in The Cauldron Telegram group for inspiration and support. 

Six live 90-minute calls 

2 x 90-minute mentoring sessions

ACCESS TO miriam in THE
cauldron telegram group

This is a high-touch offering with lots of time to connect with miriam and the other sister wolves.

moon body practices



you will learn the main points

Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here. Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here.

one item included



Perfect for anyone looking for something more personal




you will learn the main points

Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here. Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here.

one item included



Perfect for anyone looking for something more personal




you will learn the main points

Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here. Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here.

one item included



Perfect for anyone looking for something more personal




you will learn the main points

Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here. Here's where you can go into depth about your service or give it a little summary about what you offer right here.

one item included



Perfect for anyone looking for something more personal


Shadow Work: Bring your hidden self out of exile.

Leadership requires us to look closely at our blind spots. Where might our disowned parts (shadows) be preventing us from showing up fully and expressing ourselves with truh?

What sets Sister wolf apart

We're not just working on how you approach work, we're working on how you're approaching life... how you can access your feminine genius... your best self. 


Women's Bio-hacking : A cyclical approach to wellness.

We bring in cutting edge wisdom on the nervous system, trauma healing, the infradian rhythm, supplementation and more so that our health and body can support us in our work.


Pussy Work: Therapeutic hands-in self touch.

I guide you through a pelvic mapping workshop, teaching you a safe and powerful method for the wellness of your root and the clarity of your pelvic bowl and intuitive centre.


it goes far beyond business...



Whether it's your first offering or your 50th, use your time
in Sister Wolf to receive support on creating powerful work.

Have a project that you'd
like to work on with me?
I'd love to support you in
creating and launching it.

Choose a project to work on with me for 3 months. 

We can use our 1-1 sessions and group chat to workshop different ideas and branding.

I'll share my tips and tricks for a smooth launch and a successful offering. 


soul led business training


Learn how to bring the principles of Feminine Leadership into your business, leading with love over domination.

Learn about the foundations of creating a soul-led business in this 60-minute mini training.

Learn how to leverage Instagram and your creative magick in this 60-minute mini training.

Feminine Leadership mini-training

wait! there's more

You will also receive these bonuses


your guide for sister wolf 

Meet Miriam...

email me

If you're here and considering joining me for Sister Wolf, I know that you already know me a little. You know that I'm doing something unusual, powerful and unique with Moon Body and you feel drawn to me and my work. Whilst I love a bit of mystery, I want to be clear that my offerings are from my heart, womb and soul – this is not a space to come into with anything other than the purest of intentions. Sister Wolf is a powerful space. It will guide you into embodying new levels of outspokenness, artistry and right relationship. It will be activating, but not in a way that pushes you beyond your window of tolerance – instead, think of it as a slow burn back to the truth of who you are. As a business mentor for women, I love working in small groups and getting to know everyone I work with. If you have any questions about Sister Wolf, send me an email and we'll talk. We'll be working closely in this container, so if you want to see and be seen by me, then this is for you. Many women who've joined Sister Wolf in the past have returned to work with me again. This is because the work we do together creates big shifts whilst being a lot of fun. As a Projector in Human Design I am here to guide others. I am here to transmit ease, sensuality and beauty. I was born to do this work.

Why mothermind?

The Mastermind is dead; long live the Mothermind! I run my business with the understanding that words are spells. We all know about 'masterminds' – groups joined by people wanting to receive the knowledge of an expert. Mastermind is not a word I feel any resonance with. In fact, I feel quite a lot of dissonance with it, so I've coined the phrase Mothermind to refer to a group where I share my expertise but with feminine consciousness at the centre. The Mothermind prioritises feminine leadership over dominance, community over individualism, rest over stress and embodiment over analysis. You get to choose the way you share your work with the world. This my choice. I hope it inspires you to follow your own intuitive creative impulses.  

Anyone who is not in a good mental or emotional state. Anyone who is stuck in black or white thinking. Anyone who is unwilling to hold nuance. Anyone who is a prisoner to their ideologies. 

Who is Sister wolf not for?

When you sign up you receive details to log in to the Sister Wolf online portal. All your calls and lessons will be uploaded in the portal, which can be accessed for six months from Sister Wolf's start.

How long do I have access to recordings?

It's a group space for the women of Sister Wolf to connect, process and share. It's a place to inspire and uplift each other; to give updates; share our wins; share memes and have a laugh.

What's the cauldron group for?

As soon as you wish. Miriam offers you several options to suit your timezone. It's important that you have your 1-1 sessions within the 3 months of Sister Wolf. 

when can I book my 1-1s in?

Yes, try and attend as many as you can, but it's not essential to join us live. Calls are recorded and uploaded into your online portal with 6 months to watch.

is it OK if I can't join live calls?

Our six live bi-monthly calls are on Wednesdays at 7pm GMT. These fall on: February 6th; February 20th; March 5th; March 19th; April 2nd; April 16th. All calls are recorded.

what time / day are our calls?




Miriam’s work opened my eyes to a whole new world of feminine wisdom, energy and sisterhood. 

I didn’t realise it was missing in my life until her workshops and retreats opened me up to this wisdom. I wish I had this wisdom and knowledge when I was just a girl – it would’ve significantly shaped the woman I have become. This work is powerful.


Miriam gently guided us into new depths of embodiment, power and magick.

 Every exploration she invited us into was an offering to drop deeper into our own feminine wisdom and it was so, so beautiful. I have come away from the mentorship with an even deeper layer of embodiment within my own life and own practice.

Jasmin Chew,

Miriam's strong, soft, warm & sensual guidance made an everlasting impression on my soul.

 Within the space she cultivated, she showed that authentic leadership surpasses dominance and control, instead emphasising the power of collaboration, respect, and a profound reverence for the innate feminine energy in every individual. 

Karin Rust,

Camilla did an amazing job on our photo product shoot. 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

katie jenkins
ceo of lively

Camilla did an amazing job on our photo product shoot. 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

katie jenkins
ceo of lively

Camilla did an amazing job on our photo product shoot. 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

katie jenkins
ceo of lively

Three payments of


Payment options











Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


work with me





