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A Hidden History

February 4th  |  11-3PM GMT

Are you a woman who leads, creates or works with the sacred world?

Then you need to know the hidden history of the Wise Women... you deserve to have an accurate understanding of the ways in which the stories of the first female spiritual leaders were hidden.

JOIN ME ON a journey of remembrance

Educate: Learn the hidden history of the wise women.

Inspire: Enrich your offerings with
ancestral wisdom. 

Remember: You're part of the lineage of wise women.





The WISE WOMEN workshop has 3 key intentions:

If you're a space holder or a mentor to women, it's powerful to possess knowledge of the hidden history of the wise women who came before us. Their ways and traditions were hidden from us in plain sight. And now women from all over the world, of all cultures are spontaneously remembering what has been lost. Join me for a powerful workshop with a recording that is yours to keep and return to any time you need to refresh your knowledge or drink from the wellspring of the wise woman who are our grandmothers, sisters and ancestors.

As more women remember our roles as healers, leaders & birthers of new ways of being, we deserve to know the stories of our female ancestors. 

You can be a carrier of these stories; you can pollinate them.

sign up here

Sacred sexuality is rooted in the ancient eastern traditions of Taoism and Tantra. In both these spiritual philosophies, sexual energy was revered as sacred life force. Modern peoples have had their connection to their erotic innocence severed. Many allow their sexual energy to leak out through sexual interactions which don't honour its sacredness. Others leave their sexual energy uncultivated. When we make space in our lives to cultivate sexual energy, explore our capacity for healing orgasm and make our sexuality a part of our self-care, we open up our infinite human potential for deep power, abundance, health and joy. 

What is sacred sexuality?

Women & Psychedelics

Some of my favourite parts of Wise Women: A Hidden History include

This workshop is full of fascinating stories, myth & theosophy on wise woman culture.

The Apotropaeic Vulva

First Female Shamans

The Oracle of Delphi

The Eleusinian Mysteries

Sexual Rites & Rituals

The Ecstatic Body 

The Witch Hunts

Myths, Stories & Fables

Hidden History Revealed

Restoring Goddess Culture

Blood, Birth & Magick

When you have access to psychoactive plants & endogenous ecstatic experiences, you don’t look to the authority of priests or kings because you've attained gnosis of God's indwelling nature. This is what made our Wise Women ancestors a threat to the establishment. This is why their history was hidden. Wise Women are natural heretics. 

Miriam Ropschitz / MOON BODY FOUNDER



Wise Women in Spiritual Traditions

Learn about the female shamans, healers and witches who were central wisdom keepers in their communities, holding separate yet equally vital  roles to their male counterparts. 


The Inversion: Hidden in Plain Sight

Where did the wise women go? Why are we only just seeing women take their rightful place as spiritual leaders? Learn how the evidence of female spiritual leadership were hidden. 


Remembrance & Reclamation

Women, it is up to us to bring this forgotten information out into the world, to tell the stories of our female ancestors and to remember our part in the living lineage of wise women.


Becoming Wise Women

To conclude the workshop we'll speak on ways that we can embody this wisdom and bring it into our own work and leadership in the spirit of our
wise women ancestors.


The main things you will learn are:

Wise Women: A Hidden History

For women leaders + creatives honouring OUR

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 She is a living gem on earth, a wild and a wise women, holding space with so much love and grace. Walking the path of remembrance and reclamation of the feminine with her is a blessing.

Miriam’s guidance brought me to my knees in great reverence to the feminine, the magic, the mystery, the beauty of all that is.


for women of sister wolf


Payment options

sister wolf

Cosmic Feminine students


The Cosmic Feminine

Pay in full



This workshop isn't just a list of information from the internet, it is full of original research.

Come and sit in circle with women from all over the world who share a vision of remembering where we came from.

This is a call from the Wise Women of the past to the Wise Women of the future.

Are you ready to weave the wisdom of wise ancestors into your world?

Say yes to being part of this online experience connecting women in circle from all corners of the earth as we remember the wisdom in our bones.

sign up for £77


Wise Woman guided journey


Receive a series of journalling prompts to support your
integration of the workshop.

Enjoy a 30-minute guided audio track which takes you through the Wise Woman's journey.

You get lifetime access to the recording of Wise Women:
A Hidden History


wait! there is more

You will also receive all of these bonuses


You will learn so much more

I made this for women who...

Are leaders, witches and spiritual women offering their own work to the world. 

Want to learn the timeline of the suppression of wise women's history. 

Want to back up their intuitive knowing & instincts with accurate information.

Want more goddess energy and feminine wisdom in their lives in 2024. 

Feel called to know more about the feminine mysteries and goddess wisdom.

Are desiring to submerge themselves in a healing, educational experience. 

Would benefit from weaving Wise Women history into their own offerings. 

Love to find out about the truths of hidden histories and lost wisdom.

... and women who love nothing more than spending their Sunday in circle with women from all over the world.



Hey Sister, 

I'm Miriam. And I'm excited that I get to spend my Sunday with you, speaking about one of my favourite subjects ever. You may have heard me share this memory before, but it's a powerful one, so I'm going to share it again.

I remember being a kid and hearing on the news that women were allowed to be ordained as priests in England. I remember there being a hum of disapproval around the idea of "lady priests". Personally, I was thrilled. 

My inquiry behind this workshop and much of my other work is: what the holy f*ck happened between the ancient mother goddess-worshippers of the Paleolithic and 1990s Europe to convince us that "lady priests" is a bit of a silly idea?

Well, I think you know what happened and its name begins with "P"!

Something that surprises me, to this day, is: why don't we consider this enormous cover up of women's power to be a conspiracy?

God was once a woman. Women were the first shamans. Priestesses were once held in awe and reverence. It's my belief that, when we arm ourselves with our history and remember the wise ones before us, we are doing something incredibly powerful. We are revealing the hidden history of Wise Women. 

And for those of us who are priestesses, witches and wise-women-in-training, understanding why and how our stories have been inverted breaks a dangerous spell. This workshop is for my fellow spell-breakers. 

The focus of Miriam's work is on the British Isles and Europe, however, this workshop goes further afield and includes wise women tradition from all continents.

Do you focus on women around the world?

It comes from many books, essays, documentaries and some of it is orally transmitted from teachers. Miriam offers a full source list so that you can conduct your own reading and research.

Where does workshop content come from?

Women joining Miriam's upcoming programmes, Sister Wolf or The Cosmic Feminine, receive the workshop for free. The workshop charge is refunded once you've signed up for either.

How do I get the workshop for free?

Yes, that's fine. Many women will not be able to join live. A downloadable recording of the workshop is available within 24 hours. This is yours to keep and to return to any time you want to watch it again.

I can't join live is that OK?




Miriam’s work opened my eyes to a whole new world of feminine wisdom, energy and sisterhood. 

I didn’t realise it was missing in my life until her workshops and retreats opened me up to this old wisdom. I wish I had this wisdom and knowledge when I was just a girl – it would’ve significantly shaped the woman I have become. This work is powerful.

Juliette D,

Miriam gently guided
us into new depths of embodiment, power
and magick.

 Every exploration she invited us into was an offering to drop deeper into our own feminine wisdom and it was so, so beautiful. I have come away from the mentorship with an even deeper layer of embodiment within my own life and own practice.

Jasmine Chew,

Miriam's strong, soft, warm & sensual guidance made an everlasting impression on my soul.

 Within the space she cultivated, she exemplified that authentic leadership surpasses dominance and control, instead emphasising the power of collaboration, respect, and a profound reverence for the innate feminine energy within every individual. 

Karin Rust,

Camilla did an amazing job on our photo product shoot. 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

katie jenkins
ceo of lively

Camilla did an amazing job on our photo product shoot. 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

katie jenkins
ceo of lively

Camilla did an amazing job on our photo product shoot. 

She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!

katie jenkins
ceo of lively

Photographing your moments in San Francisco, California


work with me





